In a world that values big achievements, it's easy to overlook the small victories that make life sweet. Acknowledging these wins may feel strange, but they have mighty power.
I'm currently kind of living in Sheffield to be with my family as my Mum grapples with stage four terminal cancer. Her diagnosis offered me a sliding door moment. I had just returned from a holiday to see her when I got the call.
And something deep within me knew exactly what to do: go back!
It's been a little over a month since I came back, and I've noticed some cool inner shifts within me. Being back in my hometown has brought me up a lot of memories, some tough ones, but mostly really beautiful ones.
It's been a special gift, and I feel like a time traveler!
I'm feeling more independent and braver. I find myself doing the things that most people take for granted every day, like taking public transport, going to the supermarket, eating out, and leaning into the new chapter of Mum being in Palliative care.
I'm consciously remarking to others and myself that I am so happy to be doing things that I did before PTSD that although I may be uncomfortable, I'm doing more and more, with less fear of fear.
I acknowledge and affirm my small wins, which are really huge achievements and have nothing to do with my business, where I live, or how many people follow me online.
Something's changing in me, and I like it.
Lately, I have been focused on what's 'wrong' with me, how to be a better coach, or trying to justify my need for quiet space. And now, there's a different force, energy, or purpose in my mind, and it's helpful.
I'm acknowledging my many daily wins and smiling to myself.
Rather than focus on my weaknesses, I'm building on my strengths and reigniting my inner rebel soul.
In a nutshell, identifying and celebrating small wins is worth it because it boosts your happiness, motivation, and self-confidence, reduces stress, strengthens resilience, improves relationships, and fosters a positive outlook on life.
It's a simple yet powerful practice that enhances your overall well-being and helps you stay on the path to enjoying your precious life right here, right now. If I can do this right now, so can you!
And so, how about you babe?
Do you affirm yourself?
I know it can be tricky sometimes.
Start here, babe:
Reflect on Challenges: Even in the face of challenges, small victories may be worth acknowledging.
Did you handle a difficult conversation with grace?
Did you take a small step toward overcoming an obstacle?
Did you get out of bed when you wanted to hide?
Reflect on the resilience and effort you put into challenging situations.
Once you start seeing the results of self-improvement, you will laugh at the proof of yourself. You will once again feel the most important love, self-love. Because without that, the love you give to others will be less powerful.
For personal guidance and a personalised workbook, please email me.
I've got your back.
Love, love Caron xoxo