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Image by Paweł Sroka

OUR Hera Story

Redefining women’s networking in Nelson


Hera is the evolution of Your Tribe. Founded in January 2016. Caron felt the call growing louder as her coaching clients finished their programmes and still wanted a space to connect, share, and feel supported. This was the work of many, and it called for more like-minded women to work together.


After seven years of holding a large space, and then less as Covid changed how we connected in person, it was time to rebirth a new era.


And so, Hera was born.

Hera Nelson

Hera – Queen of the Gods, protector of women


The journey of Your Tribe was epic and expansive, and hundreds of Nelson women joined the journey.


Now in 2023, we refresh, review, and relaunch another level of heart-centered women networking in Nelson.




A place to genuinely connect without competitive pressure, to inspire and be inspired, and to experience personal and professional growth.


In an age of separation, competition, and uncertainty, it’s vital to belong to a supportive and inspired group of women. We invite you to stop trying to do it all by yourself. We encourage you to converse with people who won’t dive in to fix you but instead will hear you without judgment.


From ancient sharing circles around the fire to enjoy a catch-up at the coffee shop, women were born to share stories, learn from each other, cheer each other on, protect each other, and share the load.

It’s a kind of magic.


A powerful positive force is activated from holding a shared space of shared strengths, ideas, worries, and ideas.


When you choose to join you, tap into the power of the mother, Sister, Cousin, Auntie, and Daughter Goddess. Guided by each other's strengths. Supported by each other’s care.


TogetHER we grow deep, caring, fun connections so that we can level up our personal and professional lives.

join us


Take a look below to learn about the schedule for Hera's events. To attend, simply join - 

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