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Writer's pictureCaron Proctor


I used to hate the thought of networking, the pressure to sell an idea of myself or my idea to strangers, no thank you.

I tried a couple of global and successful networking groups both here in New Zealand and in the UK, I hated them. And I know hate is a strong word, but I did. Name badges, business card pushing, forced to pay for food I didn’t want and sit on a cold table with a bunch of strangers…ewww.

But I knew the power of meeting new people, of hearing stories and getting out of the home office. I was lonely, uninspired and had a desire for building my life and business beyond my home. ( I work from home)

I struggle with anxiety, with meeting new people, with crowds, with sitting around a table with people that I love, never mind strangers, But I struggle with playing small, with groundhog day, with trying to do it all by myself too.

And so I formed my own safe networking group, and my life changed forever.

Still a little scared of the same stuff, I love the vibe of support, of compassion, of inspiration, of collaboration. I never live the same week over and over, and I get to meet likeminded but different types of women every month. I love it!

When you're in a room of mostly women, there’s a feeling of unity, of vulnerability, of ‘I hear ya!’.

Women’s networking groups when lead by a heart centred team, are a beautiful way to create new relationships and opportunities.

Men rule the networking world and are generally excellent at building broad networks, which further their lives.

I would like to think we are changing that at Your Tribe. We believe in sharing stories, working together, creating events for our members, hugging, drinking wine whilst perusing the mini shops at the monthly gathering and cheering each other on face to face and online.

Women tend to understand women and what we see is trusted open-hearted conversations, from childcare issues, sleep problems, skincare to building a website or creating a new business.

I've been asked so many times why men can’t join as a full member, and I continue to say that I believe women are drawn to groups that centre around women because we tend to feel more relaxed when we know we obviously have something in common with everyone in the room straight away.


Time is limited, not many of us make space for creating new connections, but we do know making genuine connections with others takes time. With professional groups focused on women, you can fast-forward to connection because a lot of the challenges are universal to that group.

Women’s networking groups like ours tend to focus on sisterhood, on giving back, on cheerleading, rather than selling themselves. It seems to me that we find it easier to cheer others on, we are still working at cheering ourselves on.

At Your Tribe, you leave filled up, relaxed, motivated, rather than drained from trying to sell yourself.

I highly encourage women to find their tribe and dive in, give it time, show up, get involved, be of service.

Check the group out online, join for a month if you aren’t sure, but commit to it.

What’s their vision? Vibe? Are they just for business or do they support social connection too?

You want to walk into a room where you see authenticity and empowerment. This feeling is usually a reflection of a solid leadership vision and a supportive spirit that is present in the group.

Check out if the group is aligned with your values.

  • Do they offer a wide range of benefits?

  • Are they just about business or do they cater to all women?

  • Are they about connection or competition?

  • Do they have a private online space?

  • Are they transparent?

  • Can you see the costs online?

  • Is it a professional business with an online presence?

  • Is there a clear leader, and a friendly team?

  • Do you need to sign up for a whole year?

  • Do they contribute to the wider community?

I love having a supportive bunch of cheerleaders and I lead Tribe from my heart, with complete transparency, it’s not for everyone, I’m not formal and I WILL rattle on about owning your passion, standing up for yourself and showing up as the most brightest version of yourself on this planet. I WILL cry, drink wine and tell you if I have had a shitty week, and I WILL tell you how I got passed it.

When you join a supportive women’s networking group, and you show up, you’ll realise the potential for incredible life or business growth

.I believe we are fortunate to live in a time where women are capable of building dreams and supporting each other.

Just the other week I was away with a small bunch of friends whom all happen to be in our networking group and we celebrated the fact that when we are around other women, intimate discussions pop out like the delicious bubbles we drank, it was magical and flowful, it was therapy.

Forming this women’s networking group helped me develop new contacts for life and business, I haven’t spent a penny on advertising my coaching business in 5 years. When my marriage broke up, it was the Tribe who kept me strong, one member came to live with me, it was incredible.

I love digital networking and online marketing, but there’s nothing as powerful as face to face connections for referrals, for having your back and for shining a light on you.

Generally speaking, women grow stronger in confidence when they are encouraged and supported by other women.

It’s not easy trying to do life or business by yourself, I’m so grateful that’s not me anymore.

So don’t isolate yourself, ladies. Go ahead and find supportive women’s networking groups you can relate to and enjoy all the benefits they offer.

Love Caron

Nelson’s Leading Women’s Networking Group

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