How did reading that make you feel? Did it trigger you? I bet it did.
Many of us dream about being financially wealthy, but for most people, it remains a dream. For some of us, we don’t even dare dream about it, because we feel bad, unworthy, or not good enough.
I was like this, so fearful about money, making it, keeping it, saving it, spending it... it was uncomfortable. I rarely checked my accounts and felt triggered with fear when the bills came in. I would have the cheapest thing on the menu, whilst the rest of my family went for it. I had a belief that if I had less, they could have more. (This only kicked in once I became a Mother.) Having a mortgage and becoming a Mum opened a box of fear that had been lurking in my Unconscious.
I’m still working on this, and when I follow my abundance flow when I let go of fear and focus on feeling life through love, magical things happen.
Maintaining a healthy money mindset takes consistent work, a willingness to ruthlessly evaluate your mindset, an ability to invest in yourself at higher levels, take risks, let go and trust that it’s safe to be healthy wealthy.
You are here to birth the highest version of your beautiful self, don’t play small, the world needs inspiring, healthy, abundant, loving humans who know how to share their lessons and encourage joy, wealth and a state of more than enoughness.
One of the most empowering breakthroughs you can have is realising that an abundant mindset is a choice. With so much negativity around us in the media, especially this year, it’s easy to fall into the negative rhetoric surrounding abundance. When you CHOOSE to align with abundance, you’ll begin to feel an energetic shift… things will flow more effortlessly, you’ll find that you actually have even more to be grateful for, and things manifest with more ease. So… I put it to you. Do you choose abundance or lack? Love or fear?
Here's a little of one of the exercises from my latest and most abundant programme.

Click here to view the programme.
Love Caron xo